We offer you the highest quality cleaning service at whatever level you decide you need. We can not promise you the lowest price (who can without compromising quality?) but we do promise you superior value: for the money, you won’t experience better results than you get with ShamrockClean.
To provide that much appreciated value, ShamrockClean must understand exactly what you need. So, we analyze your facility from top to bottom – down to very the last square foot. We study your facility and your usage patterns. We identify hidden costs and waste. And then we take into account your budget. Because every facility is unique and has its own unique cleaning requirements, we work hard to determine how to deliver the best result for the buck. Unlike many other companies that sell a “one size fits all” solution, we don’t leave things to guesswork.
Our Workload Analysis shows, in great detail, what kinds of tasks are needed for each area of your facility, how frequently each of those tasks will be performed and what the cost of these services will be for you (and for us). We show you every step in the process, from engineering the facility to determining our staff workload to establishing the price. We believe it is our job to help you understand the program we develop. We believe that when you understand the program, you will know what to expect and will appreciate our proposal for keeping your facility clean.
The important thing to remember about this process is that whatever the level of service you choose, the quality of that service will be the best available. This means you will be using the most cost-efficient cleaning program your money can buy. But ShamrockClean value goes beyond cost efficiency. The core value of ShamrockClean services is in the care we lavish on your facility, your furniture, your equipment, your security and above all, on the safety and well-being of your people.